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Monday, November 17, 2014

The Journey has begun...

The first day after Global Yoga RiverGuide/Teacher's course....
My day has been all over the Place: up, down, left, rigth, turning, still & totally chaotic emotionally, mentally and intellectually...; missing our VivaLaTiina - YogaHeiress, my gorgeous Children, being out on the very edge of the treebranch in regards to 'what-I-don't-know-that-I-don't-know' jobwise and allowing myself to ride the joyride of the unknown & what the presentmoment presents.... - the highturn and the lowturn and just allowing the tazzling feeling in my stomach...

It is 9pm and I have landed at home with a bowl of soup, my Yogi friends at the other end of Facebook - cyberspace and I am doing the payment of bills; thank you for the Money and for the bills, is a great mantra at these moments.... :-)
Attended a KundaliniYoga session this evening with a dear friend, Marie...
Found that I was able to just be in the class and the practices with a greater presence and having lots of fun, than I have experienced before! For sure the Global Yoga Riverguide/Teachers course! <3 font="">

Sleep well and enjoy the various perspectives of Life - why not try a shoulderstand or a Triconasana...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

YogaWoman_SE has emerged & taking on the World..

You can find me & my business around Yoga, strengthtraining, meditation, nutrition & Lifebalance - our 'Body-Mind-Soul'(c) concept here on our blog, Facebook and Instagram....

Share with me your Daily challenges, your routines, your passions, your Dreams, read about others  Dreams, passions - Enjoy my thoughts, ideas, advise & findings...

I woke up today feeling fabulous after a great night at a 4Good event;
My neck was sore though - had had the pillow in a weird position under my head...
My Young Living oils Always come to my rescue;  Valor - delicious smell & effect...

After my Daily powerwalk along the quay and a moment of Sadhana practice & a short OSHO nadabrahma meditation, I felt ready for taking on the day...

Reflecting over the great sensation in my body when doing my weekly detox...; abit low on energy but vitalized... Try it out!  check out my drinks & smoothies on our FB page.... or try out the new exciting CALIENTE beverage - being launched in Sweden right at this moment...   Simply FAB! I had the opportunity to try it out when visiting Mallorca in October: imagine a 31 degree Celsius hot day -> fill up a glass of icecubes and pour Caliente over the ice... Sensational - > You have not lived until you have tried it :-)


Thursday, June 12, 2014

7 juni - Dagen jag hittade hjärtat och passionen för Cycling & Triathlon IGEN - 18 år senare....


TeamSkyBlue Carbon

Du vet när livet helt plötsligt tar oanade vägar, oväntade vändningar....; 7 juni var en sådan dag för mig... eller egentligen var det torsdagen 5 juni 2014 när en av mina bästa väninnor, Cissi, ringde och tyckte att jag skulle cykla TjejVättern med henne... Läget just då var att jag hade ingen cykel, tränat '0' cykling, iochförsig tränat massa annat så grundfysiken fanns där men ändå...; några timmar i en cykelsadel hade det varit längesedan, rättare sagt 1996; IRONMAN New Zealand.

Sagt o gjort, kände efter länge och väl, 'VAD vill Jenny egentligen'? ...och kom på att jo, vad kul, vilken grej - ny miljö, massa glada tjejer, utmaningen i sig och ja, kom på att jag saknat cyklingen enormt mycket - en av mina passioner inom träning som jag neglektat läääänge..., så efter lite letande att låna en cykel, gjorde jag slag i saken och köpte en fin, fräck carbon Wilier hos Cykelmagneten, Falkenberg  -  Tack Göran & all personal! Torsdags eftermiddagen kl.16.30 hade jag cykeln på taket och körde hem mot Göteborg.

Efter någon halvtimme på cykeltrainern, snabb packning på fredagseftermiddagen och underbar hjälp från en underbar man, Lars Rosencrantz -  - stod jag redo när Cissi kom och hämtade med sin fräcka Volvo - större variant!
Motala fullständigt bubblade av liv och rörelse på fredagkvällen så efter att min anmälan och registrering var klar, strosade vi runt, söp in atmosfären, fixade käk och åt en härlig middag i den lånade lägenheten... Vi hade en lugn kväll och preppade våra cyklar, hjälmar och sov gott hela natten.
Lördagsmorgonen var det dags!
Vår start gick 08.50 - startgrupp #26 - stämningen var fantastisk.
Ett team speciellt som jag lade märke till i ljus-blå-turkosa-kläder, TeamSkyBlue - mest för att deras energi var enorm och att de verkade ha kul och var samtidigt fokuserade! Utan att veta något mer, tänkte jag - det teamet vill jag vara med i....
Vi trampade iväg och jag kände hur jag fullständigt njöt av att sitta på cykeln igen efter så lång tid... Cissi och jag fick en bra start och tuggade på i bra tempo. De första 2 milen blev kalla och regniga och det hade varit lätt att tycka 'skit va trist' men jag bestämde mig för att lägga liknande tankar åt sidan och fortsatte njuta... Resten av loppet värmde solen och vinden var närvarande men inte för störande...
Kom över mållinjen på 4 timmar och kände som om jag skulle spricka av lycka! Jag var hooked!
Tankar och känslor från mina år med tävlandet i triathlon i olika distanser gjorde sig påmind! Älskade känslan!
TeamSkyBlue uppenbarades igen vid målgången. En annan av mina bästa väninnor, som oxå råkar heta Cissi, visade sig vara med i detta team... så ja, jag valde att ta det som ett 'tecken' och bestämde mig där och då att ta nästa steg för att närma mig detta teamet.
Det visade sig att TSB är Susanne Ljungskogs team -   - Välbefinnande genom Motion, Social samvaro & God mat 
Vilken Lycka! Nu är jag teammedlem, anmäld till olika cykel och Open Water och triathlon tävlingar i sommar! Kanske vi ses någonstans i sommar-cykel-simning-triathlon-Sverige!

Vad har du för någon passion som DU vill ta dig an? / väcka till liv igen??

Njut - Lev - Älska!


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ge dig själv 'egna' stunder i sommar!

I samarbete med 4GOOD   -   YOGOBE   -   Restaurang SALT - kör vi för 4:e året i rad!

Beach-Yoga-Pilates-Mix på Tylösandsstrand - närmast havet - se länk nedan:

Längtar och ser fram emot att träffa dig där!

TylöHealth & Yoga

Friday, May 30, 2014

Body-Mind-Soul: What to do when not in sync...?

''U cannot live without LOVE but if you don't receive any LOVE - U will Die''

... I suppose death is unavoidable but the quote above indicates to me that U will die sooner & alot less Happy without receiving LOVE....

When LOVE is not present in my relationships and even more importantly in the relationship with the one I love, I have noticed that my Body functions badly, my Mind is less focused and my Soul is in pain. ...
It becomes a priority to let LOVE through and how do we do that?

Try on, by facing honesty and openness about thoughts, wishes, dreams and ideas -
And then, sharing them, openly and daring to listen to the responses, being with them, feeling them - with the ONE you love ... You will be energized, happy, lovable, loving & have alot more fun while still alive in this Paradise we call Earth!

Love is the answer - I ascertain - Is NOT a cliché...

Live On  -  Love On! :-)

Monday, May 12, 2014

KroppsEgna Antioxidanter

Välj kost som är fulla med nyttiga antioxidanter, något som kan skydda mot cancer!  

Antioxidanter är kemiska molekyler som förebygger oxidation i våra celler, kroppens egen rostskyddsbehandling! Antioxidanter bekämpar de skadliga fria radikalerna och anses centrala för en långlivad hälsa.
Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C och vitamin-E räknas som antioxidanter, där vitamin C och E räknas som de viktigaste antioxidanterna. Även Vitamin B2 och Vitamin B5 fungerar som antioxidanter.
Mineralerna selen, zink, magnesium, koppar och mangan ingår i en del enzymer med antioxidantiska egenskaper. Där selen och zink anses vara särskilt viktiga antioxidanter.

Kroppen kan även framställa antioxidanter själv, så kallade kroppsegna antioxidanter. Coenzymet Q10, glutation och urinsyra är antioxidanter som kroppen kan producera själv, där Q10 avtar med stigande ålder. Antioxidanter från maten förbättrar kroppens förmåga att framställa dessa kroppsegna antioxidanter därför bör du tänka på vilka antioxidanter din kost innehåller. 

Glutation anses väldigt viktig för kroppen. Vitamin B6, B12, selen, lök, ren yoghurt, aloe vera och kålväxter, särskilt broccoli är bra för produktionen av glutation. Även fysisk träning stimulerar glutation.

Kroppen försöker själv balansera och skapa de kroppsegna antioxidanter som behövs för att binda de fria radikalerna. Vid kroppslig obalans så kan de fria radikalerna skapa sjukdomar i kroppen, exempelvis cancer.

Antioxidanter anses sämre som kosttillskott än som ren föda! Mat som har en kraftig färg är ofta goda antioxidanter, röd, grön, blå ... Grönt Té är en superantioxidant. 

Antioxidanter finns det gott om i bl.a. frukt och bärnötter och frön och grönsaker. Alla kålväxter är superantioxidanter.

Passa på att njuta av dessa läckerheter som dessutom är enkla att få tag i!  Börja idag!


Monday, May 5, 2014

SuperMat: Gojibär

Det forskas mycket nu kring SuperFoods (supermat) och nyligen uppmärksammades det lilla röda bäret; Gojibär...

Lite kort om SuperMat -
Består av naturliga födoämnen med mycket högt näringsinnehåll som korngräs, vetegräs, hampaprotein, gojibär, spirulina- och chlorella-alg.
Det finns flera anledningar att äta supermat. Exempelvis stödjer spirulina-algen nervsystemet och kan öka din energi och livskraft och chlorella-algen är rik på polysackarider, mineraler, vitaminer och protein som bland annat bidrar till att öka och bibehålla muskelmassan.
Att komma igång med supermat som livsstil är enkelt eftersom att det handlar om att lägga till, inte plocka bort. Adderar du supermat till din befintliga kost får du mycket tillbaka genom en liten åtgärd.
Jag testar sedan en tid tillbaka just Supermat-inriktningen och fördelarna visar sig vara många:
- mer energi
- viktnedgång
- klarare och renare hud
- mer styrka
Hör av dig om du vill ha råd, tips & konsultation!

Testa du med!
Läs mer här:

Forskningen om Gojibär:

Lycium barbarum ( Gouqizi , Fructus Lycii , Gojibär ) är välkänt för att vara närande för levern, och i sin tur att förbättra synen. Men många människor har glömt bort dess anti - åldrande egenskaper . Värdefulla komponenter i L. barbarum är inte begränsade till dess färgade komponenter som innehåller zeaxantin och karoten , men inkluderar polysackariderna och små molekyler, såsom betain, cerebrosid , β -sitosterol , p- kumarinsyra och olika vitaminer. Trots att L. barbarum har använts i århundraden , har dess positiva effekter på våra kroppar inte utförligt studerats med modern teknik för att reda ut sina terapeutiska effekter på biokemisk nivå . Nyligen har ett laboratorium med inriktning på Cellulär och molekylär neurobiologi,  visat dess nervskyddande effekter för att motverka neuronal förlust i neurodegenerativa sjukdomar . Polysackarider som extraheras från L. barbarum kan skydda neuroner mot β -amyloid peptidtoxiciteti neuronala cellkulturer och retinala ganglionceller i en experimentell modell av glaukom. De har även isolerat den aktiva komponenten av polysackarid som kan dämpa spännings kinaser och pro - apoptotiska signalvägar . Det finns nu vetenskapliga bevis att Gojibär har starka anti - aging effekter som bör belysas för modern förebyggande medicin . Denna översynsstudie är att ge bakgrundsinformation och en ny inriktning av kommande studier för de anti - aging egenskap som Gojibär har . Vi hoppas att nya rön kommer att bana en ny väg för användningen av kinesisk medicin i modern evidensbaserad medicin .

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Valborgsmässoafton - Skydd mot Häxor och onda Andar...

...Våren har anlänt - åtminstone i södra Sverige, vädermässigt.
Det är en härlig tid för de flesta av oss...
Jag njuter av dofterna från blommor, träd, hav och glasklirret från uteserveringarna. Det är en tid för uppvaknande och nystartande; kroppsligt kanske för många, mentalt och känslomässigt.
Jag älskar verkligen våren!
Förr firades Valborg med syftet att just skydda sig mot häxor och onda andar - idag kanske vi istället ska skydda oss från att 'hela-tiden-ligga-steget-framåt-och-oförmåga-att-vara-här-o-nu'.....

Ta dig en stund idag, allt mellan 3 minuter och 1 timme - VAD vill jag just NU?  Lyssna på din favoritmusik, sitt stilla och blunda - lyssna på dina andetag, ta en löptur, Yogastund, en Powerwalk eller sätt dig i solen med en bra bok...  Ge dig själv denna stund att stanna upp - vara HÄR o NU, oavsett hur lång eller kort - gör det dig gott!

Önskar dig en härlig Valborg!


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Beach-Yoga-Mix at Tylösand in cooperation with 4GOOD & Restaurang SALT 2014

Det börjar närma sig de där veckorna när vi för 4:e året i rad erbjuder en mix av Yoga, Pilates & kroppsstyrka på den vackra stranden i Tylösand.
Vecka 28 startar vi.  Kom dit!
Vi är på plats kl.08.00 tisdagar, torsdagar och lördagar v.28 t om 31. Endast inställt vid kraftigt regn!
Nytt för i år är att vi har tillgång till Restaurang SALTs fantastiska altan.
Vi erbjuder Yogan i förmån för Stiftelsen Min Stora Dag. Avgiften är Donationsbaserad dvs du betalar hur mycket du kan & vill, på plats!

Ser fram emot att ses om 11 veckor!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The white swans bringing Spring...

The swans flew in their V-formation across the sky this morning.... It made me happy and full of spring feelings... The beauty it is to see these gigantic birds being so graceful and flying with full energy, helping each other taking turns in leading the pack.... It brings my mind to how we as human beings can or could assist each other, supporting from the back - clearing the way in the front and letting each bird fly with its own wings. Beautiful!
Worth thinking about...
I have a sensational day in front of me; my Mother is coming to visit, teaching a Bodybalance class with my colleague Agnetha at ELIXIA Torslanda this afternoon and will be enjoying Tacos with Axel, Mother and Leah this evening... and probably a delicious glass of red with the food! 

Take your turn in leading and supporting the people around you - I will keep this in mind!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hyper Biominerals / Tissue-salts - The best thing after sliced bread!

...These salts are not a new remedy but wow are they simply sensational!....  Have a  read of the text below and check out the link.... My own personal experience of these have been exceptional which I am happy to share with you if you are interested! You can buy them at health stores! Let me know if you have any questions! Cheers, Jen

Biochemic cell salts aka Tissue Salts or Cell Salts are alternative remedies based on inorganic salts elaborated by Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (1821–1898). Although moderately diluted (3X-6X), they are not classed as homeopathic, because they are not purported to act according to the "like cures like" principle of homeopathy.[1] Nonetheless, they are commonly advocated by people who also advocate similar alternative medicine remedies, including homeopathy.
Tissue salt tablets/Inorganic salts were first used in homeopathic preparations by Samuel Hahnemann, and further utilised by Dr. Schüßler who identified 12 different salts in human tissue based on the analysis and research of inorganic constituents of cremated organs and remains by Jacob Moleschott and Justus von Liebig.

Schüßler concluded that the cell salts are important mineral constituents that are present in human cells, and that (in accordance with the theories of Rudolf Virchow) disease took place at the cellular level.

Even though water and organic matter make up a greater portion of living cells, the inorganic matter is the only substance that the organism/cells cannot produce by itself. Since the life of living cells is relatively short, the creation of new cells depends on the presence of minerals. Mineral deficiencies will inhibit the proper functioning of living cells.

Schüßler also stated that if an imbalance or deficiency of these salts at the cellular level were to occur, sickness may follow. Schüßler believed that the balance of these twelve mineral salts could be restored by ingesting "cell salts" in a bio-available form. He claimed that these minerals needed not so much to be "replaced" as the cells needed to be prompted by the presence of the homeopathically potentised cell salts to restore balance of the essential components.[citation needed]

He ascribed a specific purpose to each one of the 12 salts, based on his understanding of their biochemical purpose and relative distribution in the body.[2][unreliable source?] He also performed clinical experiments to verify his conclusions in the form of homeopathic "provings".[3][unreliable source?]

These days, tissue salts are usually prepared as tablets, made up with lactose powder in a manner similar to homeopathic products: Each inorganic salt is ground (triturated) with lactose powder in a ratio of 1:9, and this mixture is then ground with fresh lactose, again in a 1:9 ratio. This process is repeated either three or six times, yielding a 1 000 000 to 1 dilution or 1000:1 dilution.

Because of this dilution, tissue salts are generally prescribed at dosages that are too low to have any detectable effect on the levels of the minerals and electrolytes involved.[citation needed] No peer reviewed scientific clinical trials have been conducted on tissue salts, and they are less well known to the public than some other complementary therapies.[4]

The twelve salts described by Schüßler, together with the abbreviated names under which they are sold, are:

Calcium fluoride (calc fluor)

Calcium phosphate (calc phos)

Calcium sulfate (calc sulph)

Potassium chloride (kali mur)

Potassium phosphate (kali phos)

Potassium sulfate (kali sulph)

Sodium phosphate (nat phos)

Sodium sulfate (nat sulph)

Sodium chloride (nat mur)

Ferric pyrophosphate (ferrum phos)

Magnesium phosphate (mag phos)

Silicon dioxide (silicea)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mystery of Life

I caught myself today thinking; 'another day'.. and suddenly I just remembered my own commitment to 'The Good in Life'... That my life is extraordinary and that I, myself, make it extraordinary or ordinary, excellent, great, good.... that I every day have an opportunity to learn new things, discover things about myself, others and about the world we live in.... It is abit like allowing myself to make mistakes and like a toddler, smile and to get right back at it again, learning... evolving... Life is precious and Universe provides if I allow it to - everything comes and goes - passes - uncontrollable... just providing the opportunity for me, you to love, live, laugh -  if I can allow it to happen... Life as we know it is a mystery - worth celebrating! Lets celebrate - lets surrender to this mystery!... Let go of your worries! Love, Live & Laughter!

Monday, September 27, 2010

wisdom words....

"Believe nothing, no matter where u read it, or who said it, no matter if i said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

Buddha (563BC-483BC)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summertime.... - Life is health, wealth & living your dream

Apologies for not writing for so long - almost two months ago.... To be honest with you, I have had the most remarkable summervacation enjoying great family moments, friends, food & wine, sun & sea.... In the middle of all these fabulous aspects of life, it is really important to take care of myself..., I mean so that I can enjoy all the goodies of life instead of being in pain, agony physically, mentally exhausted, bored and annoyed etc etc....
Hard? Not once I have made up my mind!

I start off waking up in the morning, greeting myself (quietly to myself) by choosing a word for the day that will inspire me, keep me happy or simply reminding me of the joy to be alive! Certain mornings I do my yoga practice and this is a precious moment before the 'day starts'!
The challenge may be, certain days at least, to keep that 'mantra' active and sort of train myself focusing on the positive as opposed to getting stuck the challenges or difficulties that come my way... When I do keep up my 'mantra' - the day becomes fabulous! In other words, the approach works! Worth a try!

Making a difference to my surroundings is another 'daily commitment' that I keep with me all day, every day! It turns out to be a gift to the other individual as well as myself.... Sometimes I miss out on this one too..., ask my darling Lars.... :(

'Be in the space of; what I don't know that I don't know' - a great inquiry that requires abit of space and reflection and turns out evertime to provide a breakthrough in something or in a relationship...
Last but not least - ensure physical training and ensure healthy foods and certain supplements to look after your body (your 'temple')!
Get out there and create a fabulous week!

Friday, June 11, 2010

NATURES of Scandinavia goes to TROMSÖ

Yesterday it was time to meet some of our Norwegian distributors as well as customers and people interested to hear about our sensational products and the opportunity to build their own business through Network marketing!
TROMSÖ was the location.
A beautiful town with approx population of 80'000 and situated in the veeeery northern part of Norway!

I love Norwegians! The language, the expressions and with an approach to life that seems...., POSITIVE!

The opportunity for me as the Marketing Manager at NATURES to present our products as well as our improved Compensation Plan was very fulfilling and from what I perceived, very appreciated!

We kept going for 3 hours after some minor 'technical difficults' - Big thanks to Björn!

Thanks TROMSÖ!
If you haven't been to Tromsö - my recommedation is: GO!

Monday, May 3, 2010

My New job: Marketing Manager - THE place to work: Natures of Scandinavia

There are times in life when all seem to fall in place... like when I found Natures, or when Natures found me - unsure which way it was!
I am starting as the Marketing Manager at Natures headoffice any day now and I am so looking forward to it!
What entices me about Natures are several things, but primarily:
their Mission,
their commitment to excellent products and service

Natures has a strong commitment to its Mission; Provide solutions for a healthier and wealthier life.

  • Develop science-based, eco-friendly and functional nutrition products.
  • Make science and nutrition understandable and accessible.
  • Compensate Representatives generously for what matters the most – selling, sponsoring and providing leadership.
The Commitment, the Passion & the Joy of doing what they are doing is the core of the business & the relationships they build and nurture every working day!
In other words, ....THE place to work!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Messy around the house - LOVE?

My darling was away for 10 days in April at a trainingcamp on Mallorca; Triathlon training. One of the things I noticed while he was away was, that it was very easy keeping things less messy around the house, less laundry on the floor, dishes on the kitchen bench.....

I do love having it clean and in order around me BUT I realised how much I missed the feeling of having his stuff around!.....Got to be an expression of the LOVE-word!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Life is a miracle... or NOT!

Albert Einstein once said:
'there are two ways to live your Life - first one is as if nothing is a Miracle - second one is as if EVERYTHING is a Miracle!
There is a certain charm in regarding Life as a Mystery and allowing yourself to consider C Jung's theory around synchronisity... Gives a different taste and joy to life! I certainly choose to consider my life a mystery, a miracle and allow myself to be fascinated by the possiblity of synchronisity... It makes me happy and happy is great! Developing, Changing, Loving are great cornerstones to what my life is about:
Develop; constantly wanting to develop, learn new things, challenge myself and to explore the areas of 'what I don't know that I don't know'....
Changing; allowing change to take place, go with the flow, welcome change and develop with it..
Loving; who and what do I love in my life? Give love and receive love - the ability to love, express it and acknowledge it - makes me human. Love the commonality and love the differences.

Spring is here in the northern hemisphere- enjoy the light, the longer days! I will!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Summer in my neck during the 5th season

It is early March and this month is meant to be a Spring month, yet winter still keeps its stern grip around the weather, the ground, the trees and the temperature... It is not really winter and it is not really spring, something in between; the thermometer show -15 degrees Celsius at night, during the day, the sun is shining off a bright blue sky and warms up the air and the ground to approximately +1 degrees Celsius - this phenomenon occurs apparently quite often up in the northern part of Sweden, and is referred to as 'The 5th Season'.... I learnt about this earlier this week, never heard it before. Feels great learning new things! Important to remember; learning small and complex things every day!
Both Axel (7) and Leah (5), our gorgeous children, love snow but the other day their appreciation of it came to an end...; Mum, will there ever be summer this year? queried both of them in chorus..... My answer was slightly hesitant as my thoughts had moved around in similar circles, 'I certainly hope so', I answered....
Mum, the sun shines on my head and neck! It feels like summer in my neck, shouted Leah with a big smile on her face.
Let's go there then! Axels face was filled with joy as he responded to Leah's remark.

What a joy it is to listen to their way of expressing themselves; no limitations, no worries around how it sounds, full access to freedom of expression!!
We have got great things to learn from children and young human beings!

Create a fabulous weekend for yourself! Try something new or better still 'be outrageous'!!!: whatever that means to you, are you the only one that can say!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yoga at the Red Sea at sunrise

Imagine a slightly foggy desert-like sunrise over a crystalblue Red Sea at 06.15am, in mid-February.... The silence is total, the hotelguests are still snoring as I walk past the pool landscape, colorful flowers and put my feet soles on the warm stonewalk as I walk down to the beach for my morning yoga session... It is a magical moment, serenity and I feel completely calm and happy.
My loved ones are still in bed enjoying a sleep-in.
Our February-holiday has started. We caught a charter plane with TUI Fly Nordic & Fritidsresor on a 5 hour trip to Egypt; Hurghada. Our holiday concept is limited to sunbathing, swim, lazing in the sun, relaxation, socializing, reading, drinking and eating and more sunbathing. Mine and Lars reasoning has been; happy children = happy parents! A great concept, I assure you!
My own time for training, yoga or just contemplating is a fabulous energizer and this morning of yoga is my favorite one! A new found friend, Carin and I meet up at the beach podium that acts as our yoga floor. We start off with several Sun Salutations, followed by Warrior positions, Triangles, hip openers and finish off with Shivasana (=relaxation). I am warm, hot and relieved of any tension and stiffness - my body feels anew and I walk back to my darlings after a quick cool down in the Red Sea. The fabulous breakfast buffet is awaiting!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

No time.....

If you are a parent you definately know what I am talking about.
Time always seem to be an insufficiency no matter how I plan, prioritize, reduce stresslevels, breath deeply, cut out activities, change focus, choose to do nothing... - have you had similar thoughts or experiences?
I have concluded that it all is grounded in the concept of 'giving myself attention' - it can be the smallest 7 minute nap on the couch, a walk around the block on my own, taking a long hot shower with the dim lights on humming on my favorite song, attending a fabulous spinning class or yoga class, reading a chapter of the book next to the bed, sharing the passed day's happenings with Lars 5 minutes prior to falling asleep, reading a goodnightstory to Axel and Leah... When I give myself any of these moments, time seems to multiply itself.... It is not about time, it is about shifting focus with self-empowerment which gives me the strength and energy 'take on life' with more enthusiasm, joy and love... hence creating more time for the things and people that are important to me in my life....
Another option: check in at 'The Time Hotel' .............

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cherish your 'small & daily moments'

A daily routine is brushing your teeth and if you are a parent of kids under 9 years, possibly your childrens teeth..., as well as your own, twice per day! An early morning breakfast prior to school, daycare and work is one of my favorite moments of the day and when it occurred to me the other day that these daily things we do, tend to be done 'unconsciously' I thought I would put some 'presence' & joy into my 'daily activities', one of them being brushing my teeth which I most often do together with my darling Lars .
As I stood in our fabulous 1st floor bathroom, which has a great design yet rather limited space, Lars squeezed himself in between me, wash-hand basin and the cupboard and said;
Isn't it great to share these toothbrushing moments each day? It seems to be the only time we meet.... Let's create something worthwhile... :)
...Currently, this is almost true.... ; that it is the only time we catch up... Beautiful and magic though that we had similar thoughts... So, get out there and put joy back into hanging your laundry, putting dishes into the dishwasher or worse...; picking them out...
It is still a while before your very last time you are doing any of the above... I hope!
Wishing you a great week! On my agenda there is a BodyBalance class, some other training, coaching one of my PT clients, choir singing and lots of cozing with my family...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Living Big

We always have a choice, a choice about everything; my thoughts, what actions I take, how I say things... Seems too easy for a complex mind YET it is the one thing, I claim, we very often forget to remember! Create the life I love to live, every day, every moment regardless of the challenges, issues and problems that come my way. This does not mean that I don't get affected by the challenges etc - I am of course allowed to do that - and I say I should react and get affected BUT then comes what makes the difference to myself and the people in my surrounding; HOW I choose to think and act... Bringing out the best in me and to choose being HAPPY! Why not? Sounds like a cliché? The more I think about it, the more it occurs to me how well trained we are to see the negatives as opposed to the positive... We more or less, subconsciously maybe, choose to be 'unhappy' instead of 'happy'!

I read a chapter of the book, Living Big last night (by Pam Grout) - it is a must read and just a hoot to read! Gives me examples of real human beings living the lives they love (for ex Patch Adams - the doctor that decided to make a difference to his patients, later became a movie), gives me examples and opportunities to get into practice for myself too!

It is a new year; 2010! Sensationally exciting. My darling Lars and I started off the new year documenting dreams, goals and certain actions to fulfill on those dreams and goals. Simple yet very powerful! I am out on limb right now - ready for a change and ready to be open to the Universe for some new avenues and opportunities.
A new door opened today..., will get back to you about that later...
What about you? What do you want to create and build for the coming year / years? Life is a journey! Taste it! Live it! Be sure to find what you are passionate about!
Love to hear what you are up to!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR & wishing you a prosperous 2010!

It is 4.30 pm on New Years Eve, in Gothenburg Sweden - it is -15 degrees celsius and the sun has shown itself on a clear blue sky all day which is a rarity you want to know at this time of the year....!
It has been 10 days of Xmas holidays alternated with days at the office since you last heard from me - hope you have had a joyous Xmas and a relaxing time off wherever you are in our world!

Lars and I had an evening of watching what we thought a romantic and sensual movie, 'Lady Chatterly' which proved to be veeeeeery wrong... - we ended up wathing it in x8 speed with the DVD remote control..... - do not watch it! My recommendation is that you find your romance elsewhere! :) *laughter*

Have started to plan an 'Inspiration & Training' weekend for Women Only' together with some powerful women and the idea is that we will have 4 days of training, leadership workshops, inspiration, good wine & food - keep your eyes and ears open!

Take care now - cherish the year that has passed and welcome the new! Lots of hugs, Jenny

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Pretty Winterland

Woke up this morning with the outside temperature showing -7 degrees Celsius and a 5 cm pile of snow glistening on the ground... Stunning! The snowflakes were sailing down from the sky in a slow-motion pace, soft and silent... I found myself being moved, sentimental and just happy! Happy that the snow finally showed up, happy because I felt like a kid again, happy because I want to share tumbling in the snow with Axel and Leah, roll in the snow, race downhill with their snow-racers.... Such joy for such a simple thing - Simply magic!
Yapp, we spent the afternoon on the snow-racers, laughing and having fun, eating gingerbread cookies wrapped up in aluminium foil and drinking hot chocolate. A precious moment!

Earlier this morning, after dropping off the kids at school and daycare, I took off into work being well aware that the snow chaos would cause trouble for the traffic - and I was right - there seemed to be lots of challenged cyclists caught off guard spinning around on the sidewalks, cars crawling at 30 km/hour.... - slooooooowly! I chose to enjoy the moment of just being in the moment - letting myself arrive when I arrive, so to speak! Great feeling. I started listening to a woman called Susanne Pettersson who is a guru at 'change management' for individuals, teams and organisations; Susanne shared some great stories around leadership and that it all starts with 'pacing'. I must pace with people in my team, organisation before I start leading ie I must understand their situation and create trust before I start leading them, without pacing I will not be able to lead succesfully - well, by force - but how well does that work??? I came to think in particular about our children - how we as parents most often jump straight into leading instead of pacing ourselves with them which will lead to much more joy, understanding and jointly reach the point of 'mutual success' which could be an agreement and/or both of us getting want we want/desire..... Parenthood is fascinating and yet difficult - lots of fun, love and magic - at the same time can be frustrating, scary and hard.... For me it is important to be able to admit that I 'did something wrong' and say I am sorry when and if I realise this is the case... Children are sooo smart and so fun to be with - it is only when I get caught up in all the 'drama' or must do's when I forget to cherish those golden moments! ... and miss out cause I am the one who misses out!
So from a morning with a Xmas picture perfect outside my window, to a unsatisfying working day to a fabulous late afternoon in the snow with my children, to falling asleep on the couch during the kids TV program, to enjoying a moment in front of the fire with my love Lars, to getting pissed off over a discussion about money, to now writing my blog and in a moment ending my 21st December 2009 (which has the shortest daylight of the year for us here in Scandinavia, by the way) with a session of BodyBalance - I wish you a sensational Xmas & A phenomenal New Year! Keep in touch!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

BodyBalance instructors course - A life altering experience

13 December 2009 - The St Lucia Festive Day (a tradition of song, crown of lights, ginger cookies and saffran buns)

My entire weekend has been spent in the space of Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi which is a training form called BodyBalance (by Les Mills). I have woken up ligaments, muscles and joints that I have never been in contact with before! Oh My! What a treat! Imagine a space with 22 enthusiastic individuals with completely different ages, backgrounds, lifesituations and experiences. Each one there to find out the 'secret' of BodyBalance. The room that we spent all day Friday, all day Saturday and all day Sunday in was comfortably designed in purple colors, wooden floor and loaded with blankets and yoga mats. Kristin, our trainer and instructor, was one of the most beautiful human beings I have met in my life; a bundle of joy, love and generosity!

Now, down to the nittygritty; I am not kidding if I tell you that we have put our bodies through a serious numbers of Down Dogs, Cobras, Warrior 1-3, Scorpions, balance poses, abdominal and back training... Loads of fun and very challenging! The atmosphere between us individuals grew stronger and warmer by the minute. By the time we said goodbye at 5pm today, Sunday, many of us shed a tear. The end of the course is the beginning of my journey as a BodyBalance instructor! Yiiiihaaa!

Tomorrow is time for a BodyPump class at Gymnasium Sisjön, at 6pm - will feel great to load the bar with heavy weights!

Wishing you a great week coming up! Do what you wish to do and do it well - you MAY as well!

Take care!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Golden Years

Did you know that the years between 0-8 years of a child is called the 'Golden Years'? I was told by a wise woman that it is called the Golden Years because every child during these years only has an interest to 'absorb, explore, feel, see and touch' its environment, the people, things and aspects that are in it... It is truly a wonderful thought. When I start to look at it, it becomes very clear that children during these years are so undamaged and free as opposed to us adults who most often forget to explore each hour, day or week, miss to absorb a special moment or simply never stop to smell the roses...

When I look at our children, I become very aware that I too often, mostly unintently, sort of try to force them into the way I handle my everyday moment ie come on, we are in a hurry, don't do that, stop that right away, why do you do this now, why do you do that now? etc etc... Instead it ought to be I who take on the very same interest as they have to make the most of every moment of the day, the most of every day, every month, every year!

Sounds like a cliché but I believe I have millions of things to learn from my children which at the end of the day would provide that simple, loving and joyful approach to life, in the most uncomplicated way - The Golden Years-way.

Having said that and with that in mind -
Like one of my best friends say; Create a sensational week for yourself! (you might as well!)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Turning Point: using English for my friends Down Under! & Sexual Harassment

Jonathan, Mark, Lia, James, Rob, Lois, Beth, mention a few of my friends in NZ and OZ. The change of language is because I want to be able to communicate with them and I figure that most of you in Sweden are able to read the English language, hence my choice! Maybe I will write in both languages from time to time...

A gorgeous winter day in Gothenburg today, Axel (our son) turned 7 years old - feels like a huge event!, the sun has been shining the entire day, frost and icecrisps on the ground and -4 degrees celsius. Just lovely!
Talking about NZ - my dearest friend Jonathan wrote me an email today sharing his plans for his summer holidays for Xmas and NY and suddenly I felt this huge longing for being in this great country, also called 'Land of the Great White Cloud'. If you have not been there, make sure you go! My group instructor friend, Linda, will be leaving Sweden next Thursday for an adventure in NZ - guess if I am jealous! :)

For those of you who have read my blog previously, know my mission for a bloodtest to measure my various hormone levels - which seems to be impossible in Sweden.... The good news is that I have an appointment next week at a private clinic - will keep you posted on how I succeed...

Now, today's 2nd topic; what behaviour would you consider as a sexual harassment? Where do you draw the line? Under what circumstance? Add your comments and let me know!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Kväll i kräkningarnas tecken

'Mamma - jag har ont i magen'.... Våra barn har unisont legat på soffan i TV-rummet med varsin hink med handduk under och kräkts hela dagen... Serverades en fantastisk Saffransquinoa med skaldjur & vitlök av min älskling på kvällen ca 19.30 som varvades av att ett barn i sänder kom och satte sig i trappan vid köket och kräktes i sina hinkar.... Vartefter middagen förflöt med levande ljus, en Penfolds Rawson's Retreat Semillon/Chardonnay 2008, stilla konversation med min älskling och denna härliga middag, blev det svårar och svårare att njuta av stunden efter språng med hinkar, ner i källaren för att hälla 'det uppkomna' på ett och samma ställe dvs badrummet därnere, rengöra hinken i biden för att sen springa upp igen och börja om med allt från början en gång, två gånger, tre gånger.... vem vet hur många gånger det blir inatt.
Usch, tycker synd om våra ögonstenar... nu sover de.

Började morgonen med en fantastisk yoga session på Gymnasium - en gästinstruktör som heter Sam Aziz. Missa inte honom! Utövar Ashtanga yoga och är ett inspirationsknippe på två ben!
Sen har mitt mission idag varit att få upp adventsstjärnor, ljusstakar mm. eftersom det är 1:a advent imorgon - myser av att tända ljusen varje vecka. Sitter i sedan barnsben när mamma och pappa och mina syskon hade en ceremoniliknande tillställning vid varje gemensam måltid på de fyra söndagarna i december..... minns det med värme i hjärtat. Kände mig lite stressad att hänga upp stjärnorna rätt, se att de hängde rakt, att rätt stjärna hängde i rätt fönster och.... wow, vilket vansinne.... släpp stressen tänkte jag - det gör ju inte ens något om jag inte hinner eller orkar få upp dem eller ljusslingan i häcken därute just ikväll...! Vilken frihetskänsla det blev att släppa detta 'måste'... Kan tyckas trivialt men det var likadant med dagens storhandling på ICA Maxi i Amhult (en fenomenal butik att handla i förresten!); självklart var det hysteriskt mycket folk som sprang runt och bufflade runt med sina vagnar och grymtade om jag stod ivägen liksom längden på köerna. Tog aldrig slut. Då kändes det extra skönt att inse att jag faktiskt inte behövde skynda mig och springa runt i hyllgångarna. Det allra bästa var att släppa förbi två par, före mig i kön! Varsågod! En liten gest som tycktes göra stor skillnad just då för dem. Själv njöt jag till fullo eftersom det förstärkte min känsla av att 'vara här & nu' och låta det vara som det var och njuta av det!...
Dags att klämma in några timmars sömn!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

En kväll i kryddornas tecken hos Frejs Redovisningsbyrå

Det var kvinnor och det var kryddor och gott sällskap!
Santa Maria kom och berättade om sina kryddnyheter, kryddornas historia och anknytning till hälsa, välmående och läkande effekter. När Gertrud från Santa Maria hade presenterat färdigt blev vi snabbt och enkelt förflyttade till matsalen där det var framdukat med diverse plockmat som hade blivit förberedda med Santa Marias kryddor; vad sägs om körsbärstomat kryddat med den nya 'MORE pasta-basilico' kryddan? Fantastiskt gott.
Efter dessa 8 olika prover serverades det en alldeles utomordentlig kycklingsoppa, jordärtkockssoppa med tillbehör. Glada skratt, intensiva diskussioner, kunskap & informationsutbyten blandades med mat och krydd dofterna. Till dryck fanns vin, vatten mm.
Självklart bjöds vi också på te, kaffe och några utomordentligt smarriga dessertbitar som jag väldigt disciplinerat avstod från!

Kvinnor i karriären och som vill nätverka finns det gott om! Ändock fascineras jag över hur få av dessa kvinnor tog tillfället i akt och presenterade sig för att på så vis marknadsföra sina tjänster, kunskap, vara nyfiken på vad andra kan & gör... Måste tyvärr konstatera att vi har mycket att lära av männen här!
Själv sprang jag runt, satt runt och hade ambitionen att prata med samtliga - denna bedrift lyckades jag såklart inte med. Särskilt viktigt var det för mig att knyta nya kontakter just denna kväll eftersom jag planerar att lansera ett nytt varumärke inom hälsa, kost & träning med målgruppen just kvinnor och eftersöker input och reaktioner på bl a loggan. Spännande aktivitet som jag kommer att prata mer om vart det lider!
Tack till Lovisa - min kära väninna och 'ekonomitant' som bjöd med mig till Frejs evenemang!

Gör en fantastisk torsdagskväll och helgen som är i antågande.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Håll koll på din hälsa!

Idag blev det väldigt tydligt att jag i Sverige inte får ha koll på min egna hälsa eller överhuvudtaget vilja ta reda på hur jag mår...; När jag häromdagen ville ta reda på vad mina olika hormonnivåer (östrogen, progesteron, testosteron, FSH, LH) ligger på pga oförklarlig trötthet och andra symtom, fick jag till svar att 'du måste ha ett sjukdomssymtom' för att vi ska göra sådant här blodprov.... Kanske är det så att större delen av läkaretablissemanget ogillar när patienter är pålästa och vill ha svar på frågor som berör dem själva. Faktum är att de flesta av oss känner vår egna kroppar bäst! Jag blir både förstummad och arg...

Jag tror på att vara proaktiv i sin egen hälsa! Själv säkerställer jag att min kropp får vad den behöver i form av fysisk träning, mental träning, vila & njutning, god & nyttig mat, 'själ-mat' dvs kanske därmed lite osund men smaskigt på lördag & söndag, vitaminer & mineraler och andra kosttillskott, vid behov. Detta går förståss i linje med mitt ledord; ACCHA - se föregående inlägg och betydelse.

Min 'självstudie' fortsätter - jag söker vidare bland läkare som möjligen kan vara villiga att ta ett blodprov för att mäta mina hormonnivåer som i sin tur ger mig möjlighet att förstå mina symtom och därefter eventuellt åtgärda med naturläkemedel, NHRT eller homeopati.
...fortsättning följer....

Love - courage - freedom

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ACCHA - ett ord som ger mig inspiration

När livet är i fullständig kaos och det är det ofta för mig, tror jag på och lever efter att se över vad jag är åtagen till. Exempel på starka ord som ger mig direktion i livet & beskriver mitt åtagande gentemot mig själv och min omgivning är; Kärlek, Mod, Frihet & Respekt.
Jag är 44 år, kärriärskvinna, tvåbarnsmamma, förälskad i & gift med Lars, Personlig tränare & coach, gruppträningsinstruktör, yoga utövare, författare, politiker, sångare, livsnjutare, vinälskare, Ironman-triathlon kvinna (2 ggr), livräddare, windsurfare och sist men inte minst står för att göra skillnad i världen.
Accha är Urdu och har många betydelser - se nedan. Accha ger mig inspiration till mycket av det som jag värdesätter. Min blogg kommer jag att dela med mig av mitt kaos, mina åsikter, mina känslor och värderingar, tankar och ståndpunkter.
Läs, lär, förbanna, håll med eller logga ut!
aććhā [S. अच्छ], adj. (f. -ī), Good; serviceable; useful; fit; excellent; nice, fine;—sound; hale; healthy; salubrious (as climate); genuine, pure, unadulterated;—pleasant, pleasing, agreeable; amiable, kind benevolent, humane; virtuous, righteous; well-behaved;—clever, skilful (workman);—proper, suitable, fitting;—favourable, propitious; lucky, fortunate; happy; prosperous;—reasonable, moderate, cheap;—fertile, productive (soil):—adv. Well, correctly, properly; nicely, finely; opportunely;—yes, very good, very well, all right; granted; true; quite right:—interj. Well! very good! very well! how fine! well done! bravo! capital! all right!:—aććhe, aććhe aććhe, s.m. pl. The good; superiors; great men; men of birth, rank or learning, &c.;—forefathers, ancestors:—aććhī t̤araḥ, aććhī t̤araḥ-se, adv. Well, properly, carefully; in a fitting manner, suitably; abundantly; so as one could wish, satisfactorily; adequately:—aććhe-se aććhā, adj. The best of all; the very best:—aććhā karnā, v.t. To do good; to do well or right;—to make (one) well, to restore to health, heal, cure:—aććhā kar-denā, v.t. To restore to health, heal, cure:—aććhā kahnā, v.t. To say yes; to pronounce or call good; to speak well of (-ko):—aććhī-kahī, interj. Well said! how fine! what next!:—aććhā lagnā, v.n. To be pleasing, agreeable or palatable, to please; to appear pretty or becoming, to look well; to become, befit, suit; to afford pleasure (to); to derive pleasure or enjoyment (from), to enjoy, relish; to have a good effect, prove beneficial, to benefit:—aććhā honā, or ho-jānā, v.n. To become or get well, to recover; to be healed or cured; to be in good health.